Celebrating 2 Years of Wellness

Happy 2 year anniversary to Allen Acupuncture & Wellness! Thank you to all the amazing patients that have allowed me to walk with them on their journey to wellness!

Happy BirthYAY Allen Acupuncture & Wellness!

Today we want to celebrate many of the ways that people have been helped by coming in for visits! Using acupuncture, herbs, allergy elimination, cupping, and diet/lifestyle changes, patients have made many strides with the help of Allen Acupuncture & Wellness:


There can be freedom from pain!
  • People have avoided having back and neck surgeries, and are now pain free!
  • Knee pain, even from osteoarthritis, has vanished and function is restored.
  • People are able to go to work and function better without pain.
  • Headaches and migraines were successfully treated and prevented.
  • Inflammation has been reduced, and circulation has improved.
  • Grandparents can enjoy and play with their grandchildren.
  • Fibromyalgia patients have found relief and can now enjoy life.
  • Carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, and other arm issues have healed.
  • Plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuromas, and other foot issues are gone.
  • Post-surgery pain and adhesions were relieved.
  • Patients have started exercising and sleeping better now that they have less pain.

Allergy Elimination

Allergies can be a thing of the past!
  • People have been able to eat things that made them feel bad previously and participate fully at social functions involving food!
  • Visiting friends and family with pets is not a problem for them now that their allergy symptoms are gone.
  • Rashes and eczema symptoms have subsided once the source of the allergy was found.
  • Asthma and sinus symptoms have been reduced, and people can resume outdoor activities.
  • Crucial nutrients necessary for proper body function are better absorbed and utilized.

Women’s Health and Fertility

Acupuncture & herbs can improve hormone function and fertility.
  • Babies have been born with IVF support and fertility treatments.
  • Fibroids have been proven to shrink.
  • PCOS symptoms have vanished, and proper function restored.
  • Hot flashes and night sweats disappeared for many menopausal women.
  • Painful periods and hormone dysfunctions have improved.
  • Moms with morning sickness found relief, and milk production increased.


Acupuncture & herbs can improve brain functions and emotional issues.
  • Stress, anxiety and depression disappeared for many patients.
  • Patients have overcome fear and anger that were making life difficult.
  • Relationships have improved with better flow of emotions.
  • Some have been freed of emotional traumas.
  • People suffering with ADHD symptoms have more calm and attention at school and work.
  • “Brain fog” was replaced with clear thinking and focus.
  • Insomnia and sleeping problems have improved, and better sleep was restored.
  • Cycles of addiction to sugar, nicotine, and other substances have been broken.


  • Vision and eye function have improved, even in patients with macular degeneration.
  • People dealing with neuropathy, sciatica, and other neurological issues were resolved.
  • Patients no longer suffer with digestion, constipation, IBS, and gut dysfunctions.

The list goes on and on…

Celebrating 2 years of wellness TOGETHER!

So, Happy Birthday, Allen Acupuncture & Wellness, and congratulations to all the patients over these last 2 years whose bodies have healed and whose lives improved because of it.

What will the next year hold? STAY TUNED for updates!

How could Allen Acupuncture & Wellness help you, a friend or a loved on find Better Health for a Better You? Call 561-285-8562 to find out more with a free 15 minute consultation or to schedule an appointment.

Want to know if your insurance covers acupuncture? Click the button on the Insurance link to find out more.

Please leave a review!

If you are one of the people helped over the last 2 years, would you please consider leaving a review on Google, Yelp, Healthgrades, or Facebook?


Medicare Supplement Acupuncture

Acupuncture can help get your smile back!

Medicare Supplement policies are now covering acupuncture! This is great news for many seniors 65 and over who have a medicare supplement policy! A list of supplemental policies that may cover acupuncture is listed at the bottom of this post.

This is even better news because most of these policies are covering the visits at 100%. They are usually 30 minute visits that can make a great impact on health. They have the potential to reduce the need for medications and alleviate symptoms.

Medicare supplement policies covering acupuncture is GREAT NEWS!

Acupuncture can help with so many issues! In 1999, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed conditions that have been proven by clinical trial to be effectively treated with acupuncture.

Here’s a list of conditions treatable with Acupuncture:

Allergic rhinitis/Hay fever Knee pain
Abdominal & Epigastric pain Low back pain & Sciatica
Acne Male sexual dysfunction
Alcohol dependence & detox Menstrual pain
Arthritis of shoulder Morning sickness
Asthma Nausea and vomiting
Bell’s palsy Neck pain
Brain injury Neuralgia
Cancer treatment reactions Neurodermatitis
Cardiac neurosis Obesity
Dental pain & TMJ Osteoarthritis
Depression Postoperative pain
Diabetes mellitus Premenstrual syndrome
Earache/Ménière disease Prostatitis
Eye pain Quit smoking
Facial pain/spasm Raynaud syndrome
Female infertility & PCOS Rheumatoid arthritis
Fibromyalgia and fasciitis Schizophrenia
Gallbladder problems Sjögren syndrome
Gallstones Sore throat & tonsillitis
Gouty arthritis Spine pain
Headache Sprain
High cholesterol Stiff neck
Hypertension & Hypotension Stroke
Induction of labour Tennis elbow 
Insomnia Ulcerative colitis
Itchiness Urinary-tract infections & retention
Kidney stones/renal colic Vascular dementia

In addition, other cases that WHO says acupuncture is “worth trying” is: deafness, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and pulmonary heart disease.

Seniors can benefit from acupuncture!

The list is extensive! If acupuncture can improve overall health and wellness and reduce the need for medications, that is money well-spent by the insurance companies or even individuals.

What medicare supplement insurance companies are Allen Acupuncture & Wellness in-network with?

  • United Healthcare (some policies cover acupuncture)
  • Cigna

The only way to know for SURE if a policy covers acupuncture is to VERIFY BENEFITS using the medicare supplement card and entering the information HERE or click on the insurance tab and Click the “Verify Benefits” button.

Call 561-285-8562 for more information.

Better Health for a Better You!

Compassionate Care for Infertility

Acupuncture & Infertility book available on Amazon

This week is National Fertility Awareness Week. Celebrities such as Dylan Dreyer on the Today Show and others are sharing their personal infertility struggles and finding support from friends, family, and medical interventions. At Allen Acupuncture & Wellness, achieving a healthy pregnancy is one of my specialties–in fact, I have co-authored a book called Acupuncture & Infertility, available on Amazon.


It is the inability to achieve or retain pregnancy while trying for a certain amount of time–the amount of time varies, depending on whose definition is used. Some conditions causing infertility are:

Infertility can be overcome with natural therapies.
  • Endometriosis & Fibroids
  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) or POI (premature ovarian insufficiency)
  • Thyroid dysfunctions
  • stress, malnutrition, celiac disease
  • poor egg quality, high FSH, and immune imbalances
  • poor sperm quality and quantity
  • recurrent miscarriages

If the person has never been able to conceive, it is categorized as primary infertility. But just as devastating is secondary infertility, which is the inability to conceive or retain pregnancy after previously giving birth.

I utilize acupuncture, herbs, and nervous system balancing techniques to help women achieve fertility in a compassionate setting.

How can acupuncture , herbs, and other therapies help?

Acupuncture has been proven to increase the odds of pregnancy with IVF, with some estimates as high as a 40% increase. Alone, acupuncture has been shown to reduce stress, balance hormones, and increase circulation to the ovaries and uterus, or testes in men. This helps couples get pregnant!

Herbs help treat underlying problems of infertility.

Herbs enhance fertility and increase the value of treatments. With many herbs that improve circulation to the abdomen and nourish the reproductive system, egg and sperm quality is improved, pregnancy is retained, and healthy babies are born!

The nervous system balancing techniques are unique to Allen Acupuncture and Wellness. Using a massage technique called Tui Na, I help balance out the nervous system and eliminate dysfunctions. For example, I have seen fibroids shrink and endometriosis vanish. Hot flashes and irregular menstruation from hormone imbalances become a thing of the past.

Dietary and lifestyle changes can have a HUGE impact on fertility. For example, in some women, cutting out sugar for a few months can help them get pregnant. For others, choosing the right forms of exercise with the right intensity will be the difference. Individualized recommendations are made based on the individual patient. No two people are the same, so the treatments will not be cookie-cutter either!

What now?

If you are struggling with infertility, please know YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are others dealing with the same issues you are. And you will find compassionate, holistic care here.

Waiting is hard!

If you know someone who is struggling with infertility, or miscarriage, it is so important to show support. And may I offer some tips to communicate well with your friend or loved one?

  • tell them you are here for them and share your love and concern.
  • avoid sharing success stories of others you know–each person’s case is unique and the details of an acquaintance may not be encouraging to the person struggling.
  • don’t say it will be okay. It might not be, and it definitely doesn’t feel that way.
  • please allow your friend to share their feelings… or not share…
  • if you are pregnant and your friend is struggling, don’t feel guilty! The person who is struggling with infertility is happy for you. Just be sensitive.

The takeaway…

There is hope!

There is hope! Acupuncture, herbs, and balancing techniques are just the start of what can be done to help a couple with infertility. In addition, stress and anxiety about the whole process will be reduced through these therapies.

The good news is that, while many insurance companies do not cover infertility treatments, many DO cover acupuncture! You can verify your insurance benefits HERE.

Help is just a click, call or text away! Call 561-285-2862 for more information how acupuncture could help you fulfill your dreams of a child.

Cupping–Spring Cleaning for Muscles

Kids love cupping!

What does cupping have to do with Springtime? Spring is a time for new beginnings. For flowers and trees to bloom. For Konmari-ing the house. But what many may not know is that our bodies needs a little spring cleaning, too! (Keep reading to discover more and for a special discount offer!)

Spring’s energy has a direction, which follows the growth of seeds: the inside (seed) moves outward (seedling) in the process of germination. Some ancient texts also call the direction “upward”. The same direction occurs in our bodies. In South Florida, the direction may not be as dramatic, but as warmer temperatures arrive, the blood vessels dilate, and circulation moves closer to the surface so the body can better regulate the body in warmer temps and more physical activity.

As stated in a previous post about eating for the seasons, it is easier for the body to go WITH the nature of the season, instead of fighting against it. So, at this time of year, it is very beneficial to have cupping done.

Spring is the time for Cupping!

Cupping is the application of a cup-like device to the body with negative (suction) pressure. It pulls from the deep tissue (inner) toward the surface (outer). It follows the direction of Spring, and going with season is synergistic for healing.

Why cupping?

Cupping is an ancient therapy that dates back thousands of years. The first “cups” were animal horns, then bamboo or clay pots. The suction of the cups was produced by rapidly heating the air inside the cup and quickly placing it on the skin. The heated air creates the negative pressure to pull the skin/tissue into the cup. In modern times, this practice is called “fire cupping” and utilizes glass cups. Another form is with silicone cups. The last is with plastic cups with a valve at the top. A pump pulls a metered amount of air out of the cups; the advantage to using these cups is complete control of the suction on the cup.

Shoulder cups for pain relief

Cupping has many advantages. One relates to the negative pressure on the tissues. It is the opposite of touch. The pulling can release muscles spasms, break up adhesions, and, most importantly, pull toxins to the skin’s surface such as inflammatory markers, lactic and uric acid, and “old” blood residues that have been sitting deep in the tissue. The skin can better circulate these painful chemicals away to bring relief. Fresh blood supply can then come in to better heal the tissue. In addition, it can help the body release its own opioids for pain relief, and most patients find it very relaxing.

Cupping can also activate the immune and lymphatic systems and has been well-documented to treat skin issues such as herpes zoster, acne, boils, etc… Cupping on certain areas has been shown to clear respiratory infections and activate white blood cells to fight infections.

For more “scientifically worded” info on the benefits, please feel free to click on the following links:

Modern Cupping

Many celebrities and athletes advertise the advantages of cupping. Michael Phelp’s bruises in the 2016 Olympic Games announced the advantages of this therapy to the world. He used it to recover from strenuous workouts and the rigors of competition. In 2013, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, and others have sported their round skin marks publicly.

What about the Bruises??

Cup bruises show underlying problems

First, let’s be clear: these marks look like bruises but do not hurt. Bruising with cupping is common, and each bruise type signifies a different underlying problem in the body. In a healthy body with good circulation, bruises can last 3-4 days. If they last longer than 7 days, the body has a circulation problem and may need acupuncture or herbs to help increase circulation. Here’s what the cupping bruises can mean:

  • Light purple: insufficient blood supply in the tissues
  • Dark purple or brown: old blood sitting deep in the tissue, also called “stagnation”
  • Red or brown flecks: toxins or “heat” in the muscles–the kind that sometimes cause the burning sensation in the muscle (don’t worry, the cupping doesn’t “burn”).

Cupping at Allen Acupuncture & Wellness

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Cups for back pain relief

Typically, cupping can be included in an acupuncture treatment along with needles, allergy elimination, or auricular therapy. The tight or painful areas can be cupped, releasing the tissue and relieving the problem. Most people find it relaxing because it also releases endorphins just like acupuncture. Kids and adults LOVE it! Children as young as 7 to adults in the 80’s regularly request cupping along with their other therapies because it helps them feel better.


Here’s the DEAL! I think everybody should at least TRY cupping! To help expose more people to the benefits, Allen Acupuncture is offering a SPECIAL, 20-30 minute cupping session for only $35! That’s cheaper than a crappy massage!

Tell your family, friends, co-workers, etc… to call or text (561-922-7535), click or email Allen Acupuncture & Wellness for this special deal, now through May 15th, 2019. Make that appointment today!

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